Monday, October 18, 2010

why wait?

Last week I became friends with a woman from my kid's school.

She's quite a measured sort of a lady, on the board and well respected etc but not lacking in her ability to surprise.

On our first play date together, she asked if I would like a glass of wine with some cheese and crackers.

It seemed like a kind of tempered extravagance which I wholeheartedly welcomed.

She then went on to explain that she quite likes to tipple at unconventional times of the day and that in her mind there is was no wrong time of the day to savour a glass of something special- surely it was no different from having a coffee?

On one such occasion she found herself thoroughly enjoying a buttery Chardonnay at 11am.

Did I think this improper? hell no...I couldn't help but be impressed and inspired by the notion.

And so there we were, at just past 3 pm (with the kids making a racket in the background) toasting to our imbibing at an unusual hour, to drinking without social stigmas of time restraints, the breaking the formality etc

Suffice to say, I will be seeing more of my new friend and her outlook has set a new precedent for my views on such matters.
This is me indulging at 1.45 pm.
I felt I deserved it - I had been sewing like a mad women all morning and had just tarted up quite an unsightly aspect of the garden with some stolen succulent cuttings and another op shop chair...
So yes, I will also be advocating a buttery Chardonnay, in the sunshine, perhaps with knitting in tow, sipped half naked in the sun to all the house wives out there any time you like- providing the children's needs are still being met, and it's just the one glass, not on an empty stomach and you don't forget about the school pick up!

favourite things #3

Organic bananas. If you're dubious that organic doesn't taste any better then non organic.... then get your laughing gear around one of these... and be prepared to have your taste buds prove you wrong. Liberty seem to have the cheapest all year round $2.99 kilo from memory.

Salt water sandals. In red. From here. Couldn't resist after seeing these three ladies sporting theirs. Douglas sandals here in NZ also do similarly cool sandals and slides here and Soul sandals in Hamilton do some nice styles too.
Burt's bees lip balm. Feels a little like chapsick and better than Lucas paw paw but without the nasty petrochemicals. Tastes/smells divine. Works well when all the other hippy stuff slides straight off. They have quite a big range available at most Life chemists. Men will go for this stuff too as it's not got a lot of shine.