Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Just incase you didn't know, I am here to torment you.
You know you shouldn't but you probably will....
See you there and here.


Jodi said...

Hi Gretchen,

Thanks for your comments.

I'm neither a doula or midwife but I teach birth workshops from a yogic perspective. I'm also a mother who experienced the primal, challenging, wonderful & liberating journey of birth so my passion fuels my teaching.

The language I use supports the reality of birth and I really encourage birth supporters to bow at the feet of the birthing woman. We talk a lot about the language, breath and sound of birth and how they can all work together to create a scared and intimate birth space.

If you want to know anything else just let me know x

gretchen said...

fantastic. I bet your workshops have played an integral part in so many wonderful births.
Can you add me to your database if you have one. I'm interested in upcoming workshops and course info etc
Do you know of any one in NZ that teaches in a similar way? There is a woman called maggie burke and she is an ex dancer yogic older women she used to teach fire breathing but she had since retired.

Simone said...
