Friday, September 24, 2010

surprise treats

A surprise package turned up my mailbox the other day....for me!?!! from somebody I did not know!!!

With much enthusiasm I ripped into it and found inside...two skeins of beautiful Knitsch sock wool (that I had coincidentally been eyeing up in knit world the previous day!) a handy little measuring tape (great for traveling with) a selection of beautiful gift tags and a packet of Tim Tams that the kids and I went nuts over!

All of this was are care of the very kind hearted Tash -from Knitsch yarns, intended as a post quake cheer up and graciously received as such.

I had been wondering if the rest of the country was getting sick of hearing about post quake Christchurch but I have heard quite a few stories of out of towners sending relief packages like this to friends and family in the region.

While I feel very fortunate to still have a home to live in, all our basic amenities reconnected and just a whole lot of insurance palaver ahead of us, it's still touching to have a moment of indulgence bestowed upon you by a hitherto stranger, helping to reverse some of the the effects of the stress that we all experienced.

Big up's to Tash then... because of you, the kids and I had a very rare shared sugar rush and now I get to knit my very first pair of socks with some of your delicious wool!


Anonymous said...

That's so lovely. My friend, Cherie, from is always talking about Tash from Knitsch. I've never met her, but she sounds like a sweetheart!

Simone said...

I emailed Tash about u when she mentioned the packages on her blog... I am SOOOO stoked she sent you one. Feeling all warm and happy! :D